

In Drama, students explore and depict real and fictional worlds through use of body language, gesture and space to make meaning as performers and audience. Âû²ÝÉçÇøy create, rehearse, perform and respond to drama. Outside of the classroom, "Strike Âû²ÝÉçÇøatre" consisting of students from Year 7-12, work together to refine their stagecraft, teamwork, performance skills and attention to detail in preparation for the seven festivals on the Southeast QLD Âû²ÝÉçÇøatre festival circuit.

Developing skills in writing and performing, the team creates and performs theatre that challenges, empowers, and entertains audiences. This year the team has focused on a myriad of styles including Drama, Comedy, and Gothic. At the end of the year, Strike Âû²ÝÉçÇøatre perform their productions at the annual Empower Showcase held at Âû²ÝÉçÇø.

In 2022, the team have been awarded the following:

  • Best Play (Ever After) – Sunshine Coast Festival
  • Best 10-minute Play (Remember) – Mousetrap Festival
  • Best Short play (Remember) – Dalby Festival
  • 2nd Best Play (Ever After) – KSP Festival
  • 2nd Best Play (Ever After) – Beenleigh Festival
  • 3rd Best Play (Ultimatum) – Mousetrap Festival
  • 3rd Best Play (Control Room) – Ipswich Festival
  • Best Sound and Lighting Production – Dalby Festival
  • Best Director (Aleckson) – Sunshine Coast Festival
  • Best Director (Aleckson) – Mousetrap Festival
  • Best Original Script (Remember) – Mousetrap Festival
  • Best Female Actor (Tasha D) – Dalby Festival
  • Best Female Actor (Tamika M) – Sunshine Coast Festival
  • Best Female Actor (Maisie W) – Mousetrap Festival
  • Best actor in a Minor Role (Grace G) – Ipswich Festival
  • Best actor in a Minor Role (Cooper B) – Sunshine Coast Festival
  • Jo Pearce Memorial Trophy (Aleckson & Francis) – KSP Festival
  • Nita Bacon incentive Award (Best Ensemble) – Dalby Festival
  • Adjudicators Choice (Ever After) – Mousetrap Festival
  • Adjudicators Award (Sophy Y) – Beenleigh Festival
  • Adjudicators Award for Acting (Tasha D) – Ipswich Festival
  • Adjudicators Award for Design (Control Room) – Ipswich Festival
  • Adjudicators Award for Directing (Aleckson) – Ipswich Festival
  • Adjudicators Award (Tasha D) – Sunshine Coast Festival
  • Adjudicators Award (Control Room) – KSP Festival